

Row over transfer of Michaela McCollum to North

A row has emerged over the cost of the transfer of Michaela McCollum to a jail in Northern Ireland....

1:57 PM - 30 Jan 2015

Row over transfer of Michaela...


Row over transfer of Michaela McCollum to North


1:57 PM - 30 Jan 2015

A row has emerged over the cost of the transfer of Michaela McCollum to a jail in Northern Ireland.

The Belfast Newsletter is reporting that Unionists are asking why the UK taxpayer is to pay 353,000 pounds in prison costs for a Tyrone drug smuggler - when "Dublin lobbied to return her to Ulster."

Michaella McCollum was jailed in Peru for six years and eight months, for smuggling cocaine out of the South American country in 2013.

The North's Justice Minister David Ford has revealed that Ms McCollum must pay her airfare but that the taxpayer would meet her jail costs.

While the UK is willing to accept her back, Peru has not yet decided to release her.

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