

Showgoggles - it's a thing

A quarter of us find someone more attractive based on the shows they watch. A survey from Netflix r...

3:50 PM - 4 Feb 2016

Showgoggles - it's a thing


Showgoggles - it's a thing


3:50 PM - 4 Feb 2016

A quarter of us find someone more attractive based on the shows they watch.

A survey from Netflix reveals 13 per cent of people would ask someone out based solely on show compatibility.

Movies and TV shows are massive ice breakers on a first date and are more popular than talking about work, sport or politics.

Staying in is the new going out for couples with 72 per cent saying their favourite way to spend date night is in front of the TV.

The best films to snuggle up to are Chocolat - Love, Rosie and Ghost 

While if you are trying to catch someone's attenton on Tinder you should mention Making a Murderer - Chelsea Does or Orange Is The New Black.




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