

Talks with Independent Alliance 'could collapse within days'

A member of the Independent Alliance has warned that the group will pull out of any talks unless eit...

12:07 PM - 13 Apr 2016

Talks with Independent Allianc...


Talks with Independent Alliance 'could collapse within days'


12:07 PM - 13 Apr 2016

A member of the Independent Alliance has warned that the group will pull out of any talks unless either Fine Gael or Fianna Fáil make a viable offer in the next few days.

Finian McGrath also denied claims that one of its six TDs has walked out of coalition talks.

The Alliance has continued its meetings with the two large parties, in parallel to the talks that those two parties are conducting with each other.

Deputy McGrath says there is no truth to reports that John Halligan has pulled out, in a row over hospital services.

It's reported today that the Waterford TD has refused to take part in any more talks, citing a refusal to commit to 24-hour cardiac services at his city's regional hospital.

But McGrath says the other five TDs are all backing Deputy Halligan's campaign, believing it to be a serious national issue.

And he says the patience of the Alliance is running out - and the negotiation talks must end soon.

Speaking to Today FM this morning, the TD said each of the Alliance's six members had now made it clear what they were seeking - and the talks would collapse unless they met with a serious response:


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