

Taoiseach says a stable government can be formed

Enda Kenny says he's confident Ireland can see a stable government formed - which can last the dista...

2:54 PM - 15 Mar 2016

Taoiseach says a stable govern...


Taoiseach says a stable government can be formed


2:54 PM - 15 Mar 2016

Enda Kenny says he's confident Ireland can see a stable government formed - which can last the distance.

The Taoiseach was speaking as he began a day of events in Washington to mark St Patrick's Day.

Enda Kenny was attending a breakfast at the home of US vice-president Joe Biden - his last as vice-president, and potentially Kenny's last as Taoiseach.

But while coalition talks continue at home, the caretaker Taoiseach told his audience he believes a stable government CAN be formed.


He also told attendees at the small breakfast event that Ireland had not been unaffected by the same populist politics that has recently emerged in other European countries.

In a pointed reference to some left-wing TDs, he said some of those elected to the new Dáil had no interest in forming a government that could actually serve the people.

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