

Taxi: Health concerns in Roscommon

The closure of the local emergency department and a lack of jobs are two of the main issues for vote...

4:05 PM - 18 Feb 2016

Taxi: Health concerns in Rosco...


Taxi: Health concerns in Roscommon


4:05 PM - 18 Feb 2016

The closure of the local emergency department and a lack of jobs are two of the main issues for voters in Roscommon town.

Locals are concerned about a lack of emergency healthcare in their area after the local A and E was shut down.

The Emergency Department at Roscommon Hospital was closed in cutbacks in 2011.

But the Roscommon Hospital Action Committee says the emergency ambulance service that has replaced it is not adequate and lives are being lost.

The Talking Taxi has spent today on the main street, to see how people are feeling ahead of the election next week.

Helen Vaughan reports.

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