

The New England Patriots Win The Super Bowl

The New England Patriots came back from the biggest ever points deficit to win the premier event of...

6:48 AM - 6 Feb 2017

The New England Patriots Win T...


The New England Patriots Win The Super Bowl


6:48 AM - 6 Feb 2017

The New England Patriots came back from the biggest ever points deficit to win the premier event of the year in United States sport.

They were 28-3 down at one point in the final of American Football's Super Bowl 51 - but eventually beat the Atlanta Falcons 34-28 in overtime.

It was a record fifth championship for quarterback Tom Brady.

He spoke afterwards via Sky Sports News:

Meanwhile, Lady Gaga delivered a subtle message of inclusion during the half time show.

She opened her 13 minute performance with 'God Bless America' and then segued into 'This Land Is Your Land'.

The song has become an anthem for protestors fighting against Trump’s proposed immigration bans and border walls.

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