

Tinsel, tinfoil & tea towels

Tinsel, tinfoil and tea towels are our top childhood Christmas play memories. A survey from Bord Gai...

3:27 PM - 17 Dec 2015

Tinsel, tinfoil & tea towels


Tinsel, tinfoil & tea towels


3:27 PM - 17 Dec 2015

Tinsel, tinfoil and tea towels are our top childhood Christmas play memories.

A survey from Bord Gais Energy revealed 95 per cent said the Angel Gabriel was the most popular nativity role with 16 per cent getting the job of narrator while 15 per cent were shepards.

Most people's parents made their costumes with household items like a coat hanger and tinsel to make an angel's halo and a trusty tea towel to create the shepherd's headdress.

The majority of people have very fond memories of their Christmas play but tripping on stage, forgetting your lines and dropping your props were also remembered. 

310 adults were surveyed for the research to celebrate the Bord Gais Energy Student Theatre Awards which are currently open for entries. 


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