

Two Fifths Of People Unable To Afford A Doctor's Appointment

Almost two-in-five people have been unable to afford a doctor's appointment to check for signs of Ca...

11:33 AM - 13 Aug 2018

Two Fifths Of People Unable To...


Two Fifths Of People Unable To Afford A Doctor's Appointment


11:33 AM - 13 Aug 2018

Almost two-in-five people have been unable to afford a doctor's appointment to check for signs of Cancer.

Patients could be missing out on life-saving early treatment by not visiting their GP sooner, according to a new study by the Irish Cancer Society.

The research, carried out to mark the launch of Cancer Week, asked a thousand adults what stopped them from seeking medical advice.

The answers included reasons like fear, anxiety and embarrassment.

42 percent of people said they'd been too busy to visit their doctor.

Head of Research Dr. Robert O'Connor says that three quarters of people have not visited their doctor for some reason:

"Two fifths of them it was for money reasons, another third were issues around being too busy. So we want to encourage people to take control of their health and if they have concerns to go along and see their GP"

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