

Two SF TDs deny links to Stack murder

Two Sinn Féin TDs have been forced to deny any connection to the murder of Brian Stack. Dessie Ellis...

7:33 PM - 7 Dec 2016

Two SF TDs deny links to Stack...


Two SF TDs deny links to Stack murder


7:33 PM - 7 Dec 2016

Two Sinn Féin TDs have been forced to deny any connection to the murder of Brian Stack.

Dessie Ellis and Martin Ferris both denied any involvement after being named by Fine Gael backbencher Alan Farrell.

Farrell said the two TDs should make statements to the Dáil, claiming their names were among four given by Gerry Adams to the Garda Commissioner.

The Dáil exchanges came after Gerry Adams had given his own statement to the Dáil, insisting those four names were passed onto him by Brian Stack's son Austin.

Austin Stack has again this evening denied this is the case - and accused Adams of lying under Dáil privilege.

Our political correspondent Gavan Reilly reports:

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