

We Can Expect More Extreme Weather Like Donegal In The Future

Weather forecasters say we can expect more extreme weather events like the Donegal floods in the com...

1:18 PM - 4 Sep 2017

We Can Expect More Extreme Wea...


We Can Expect More Extreme Weather Like Donegal In The Future


1:18 PM - 4 Sep 2017

Weather forecasters say we can expect more extreme weather events like the Donegal floods in the coming years.

Our average temperature is now over half a degree warmer than it was 30 years ago and this trend is expected to continue.

Meteorologists from across the world are gathering in Dublin this week to discuss how they can give people better weather information.

Met Eireann's weather warning system came in for criticism after the disaster - but they say while they're good at predicting weather systems it's much harder to predict localised weather.

They're working on increasing the number of weather stations around the country to improve accuracy but it's a costly process.

We're being advised to continue pay attention to the warnings and familiarise ourselves with weather forecast.

While climatologist John Sweeney says forecasters have a responsibility to make the public aware of climate change and weather systems and the effect it will have on our future.

Nicole Gernon reports:


We Can Expect More Extreme Weather Like Donegal In The Future

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