
Mairead Ronan

After Losing 7.5 Stone, Trisha Lewis Knows That Motivation Is A Myth And That It's All About Forming Habits

When you hit rock bottom and realise you need to drastically change things in your life, taking the...
Orla Ormond
Orla Ormond

3:22 PM - 2 Jun 2020

Mairead Ronan

After Losing 7.5 Stone, Trisha Lewis Knows That Motivation Is A Myth And That It's All About Forming Habits

Orla Ormond
Orla Ormond

3:22 PM - 2 Jun 2020

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When you hit rock bottom and realise you need to drastically change things in your life, taking the next step is one of the most difficult things you can do. 2 years ago, Trisha Lewis was 30 years of age, weighed 26 stone, and was suffering from depression. Today, she’s shown that grit, determination and a good support structure will get you very far and she joined Mairead on the show to chat about her new book "Trisha's Transformation: Beat the Bulge and Still Indulge".

Trisha told Mairead about her "lightbulb moment" that kickstarted her decision to make a change. Trisha had gone to the doctor with her sister who was having a scan, and when she heard her nephew's heartbeat for the first time it broke her heart to think that she might not be around for him to get to know unless she made some changes.


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I am sitting here and with tears in my eyes I look at my Trisha on the left and I simply want to say thank you. Thank you for being my friend when I was so cruel to you. ⁣ I will always hold you close and I promise I'll never hate or mock you again.⁣ ⁣ I don't hate the old Trisha, without her I wouldn't be getting ready to go and sign copies of my book. ⁣ My one hope is that I have told her story and her pain with respect. I want people to know old Trisha. I don't want to forget her. I want you to meet her through this book and love her in a way I never did. She was pretty awesome. She was strong. She is the girl who got me today.⁣ ⁣ I bid my transfomers good night, I want to thank you all for always having my back. For always supporting me.⁣ ⁣ You have no idea what you guys mean to me. Thank you and I look forward to signing your copy tomorrow. Know that with each signature, I will be sending you love.⁣ ⁣ " what if I fall, oh my darling - what if you fly? Don't give up. Beat the bulge. #weightlossjourney #exercise #happy #love #beforeandafter #hope #motivation #fitfam

A post shared by Trisha Lewis (@trishas.transformation) on

Trisha had booked a gastric bypass procedure and had paid a large deposit for it too when she decided that it wasn't right for her - it wouldn't fix the root of her problems. After careful consideration she cancelled the procedure and joined a gym to ask for help.

It hasn't been easy, but she has made amazing progress and now loves going to the gym. She also said that we can't wait for the motivation to exercise because motivation doesn't exist - it's all about habits and discipline.

You can hear the chat in full by pressing the play button on screen.

Read more about

Exercise Fat Shaming Food Gastric Bypass Habits And Discipline Health Motivation Trisha's Transformation Trisha Lewis Weight Loss

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