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The Week Just Got Longer...

In case you need a little extra time this week, the last minute of Tuesday, June 30 will contain 61...

6:11 PM - 29 Jun 2015

The Week Just Got Longer...

Best Bits

The Week Just Got Longer...


6:11 PM - 29 Jun 2015

In case you need a little extra time this week, the last minute of Tuesday, June 30 will contain 61 seconds instead of the usual 60.

Atomic clocks around the world will coordinate the leap second, which is necessary to keep Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) — the system that guides most international civil times systems — synced with the Earth's rotation.

On Tuesday, atomic clocks should read 23:59:59, then 23:59:60, before switching over to Wednesday with 00:00:00.

We could totally explain the science behind all this but we're like super busy doing radio stuff so we'll let those know all nerds at NASA explain it all with a handy video...which we could have totally done cos we know all about this time thing....

Oh just watch to video... 

See?...easy! an extra second eh? What could we do with a full extra second!

*cue wobbly dream sequence



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