
Early Breakfast With Paula MacSweeney

Words That Sound Funny

I love a funny-sounding word.  A few years ago while appearing on the Late Late Show, listeners of T...
Paula MacSweeney
Paula MacSweeney

7:41 AM - 20 Nov 2019

Paula MacSweeney
Paula MacSweeney

7:41 AM - 20 Nov 2019

Read this, you snollygosters!

I love a funny-sounding word.  A few years ago while appearing on the Late Late Show, listeners of The Early Breakfast dared me to drop the word "discombobulate" into conversation. So I did!

Amy's tweet reminded me of this, and how much I love funny-sounding words!

Bloviate – to speak pompously or brag

Idiosyncratic – left of centre

Collywobbles – butterflies in stomach

Snollyguster - a person who can't be trusted

Borborygm – a rumbling of the stomach

Bumbershoot – an umbrella

Pratfall - a fall on one's rear

Formication - the feeling of ants crawling on one's skin

Pog Wodgy - A small bendy branch which we used to put mud on the end and fire at the neighbour’s windows.

Salubrious - healthy

Antidisestablishmentarianism - 28 letters of goodness!

Hurdy-gurdies - amusements

Gardyloo - something you shout before throwing your bucket of urine out the window (not suitable in 2019)

Crapulence – discomfort from eating or drinking too much

Wizzpopper – It’s from the BFG and it’s for when you break wind!

Gallybanders -  a homemade catapult in Waterford!

Shellakabookie – a snail (alsonin Waterford!)

Gobbeldegook - nonsense

Giddy-goolie – when we wouldn’t stop laughing as children

PHLOEM BUNDLES – the stringy bits on a banana

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Funny Sounds Words

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