

Should the cheapest bottle of wine cost €10?

The Oireachtas Health Committee is calling on the government to set the minimum price for a unit of...

5:55 PM - 22 Jun 2015

Should the cheapest bottle of...


Should the cheapest bottle of wine cost €10?


5:55 PM - 22 Jun 2015

The Oireachtas Health Committee is calling on the government to set the minimum price for a unit of alcohol at €1.10. This would mean no bottle of wine would cost less than €10, while a can of beer would cost at least €2.20. The committee said evidence suggests minimum pricing is “an effective means to reduce and disrupt harmful alcohol consumption patterns.” The report also suggests close collaboration with Northern Ireland to ensure a coordinated approach to the policy and to “reduce distortions in cross-border trade.” However, they added that they had some concerns regarding implementation and the potential impact on lower income households. Other proposals include introducing cigarette packet-style health warnings and calorie counts to alcohol products.

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