Let’s chase away those January Blues with The Price is Always Right, with Lidl.
Join Ray Foley for a brand new game the whole family can play, and you could win some amazing prizes to help ease yourself back into the new year.
Register here for your chance to play The Price is Always Right with Lidl, it’s the show where the prices always go LOWER and where you could win Lidl vouchers, family favourites and of course some Mystery Prizes which will include:
- A Trolly Dash to the value of €500
- A year supply of High Protein foods (Brands include; Milbona, SKYR, Crownfield, Coolree, Gelatelli)
- A year supply of Convenience foods (Brands include: Irish Ready to Cool Meals, Chef Selects, Fit Foods)
All with thanks to Lidl, Ireland’s best value supermarket.